
We invite you to celebrate our wedding



Son of Priya and Natasha Jayasinghe



Daughter of Stanisław and Regina Petrovskij

The big day
2 . July . 2022

We are so excited to celebrate our special day with our family and friends. Thank you so much for visiting our wedding website!

Just some hours...
...until we get married!
For the non-locals

Places to Visit in Lithuania

What we recommend

Places to visit

Trakai Castle

This is where Karolina said "Yes!" to Shenuka. It is a stunning location with rich history. A beautiful castle that looks like it's from a fairy tale. Enjoy the beautiful lake, local pastry called 'kibinai' and poppyseed cake.

Užutrakis Manor, Trakai

Whilst in Trakai, you can take your boat down to the beautiful manor across the lake. Count Juozapas Tiškevičius, together with his wife Jadvyga, established Užutrakis Manor at the beginning of the 20th century after being inspired by the unique Trakai landscape.

Our Lady of Trakai, Trakai

Also, whilst in Trakai, pay a visit to the beautiful and famous icon, Our Lady of Trakai.

The Divine Mercy Shrine, Vilnius

Lithuania is home to the original miraculous painting directed by St. Faustina, famously known as the 'Divine Mercy Icon'. More information about the image here: discovermercy.github.io

St. Francis of Asisi Church, Vilnius

A gothic style church in Lithuania so beautiful, legend has it that Napolean passed by this church and wanted to take it back with him to France.

Gate of Dawn, Vilnius

A shrine built in the 1500s housing a beloved icon of Mary. When passing by remember, to turn back at the icon and make a sign of the cross like the locals.

St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Vilnius

This ivory coloured masterpiece is considered universally as one of the most beautiful churches in the world, this church contains over 2,000 masterful stucco figures by Giovanni Pietro Perti and ornamentation by Giovanni Maria Galli and is a uniqe work of art in Europe.

Užupis, Vilnius

The most 'happening' place in Vilnius, full of more young people, migrant students and artists. Best place for those looking to see the young, vibrant and wacky side of Lithuania.

The Gediminas’ Tower, Vilnius

The symbol of Vilnius is visible from many spots in the Old Town and is portrayed in numerous works of art. It is one of the best places to see the magnificent panoramas of Vilnius.

The Hill of Three Crosses, Vilnius

Standing atop the hill that bears its name, the Three Crosses memorial consists of three white reinforced concrete crosses that are visible from afar. Climb the hill and you’ll see vast panoramas of Vilnius Old Town.

Other Recommendations

Point of Information

It is estimated to be a very hot summers day on the 2nd of July, 2022.
For Women: Please refrain from wearing white (because according to local custom only the bride wears white on the wedding) or black (because according to local custom this colour is worn usually to funerals and is a colour of mourning). Please wear something light-weight and elegant. If you are Sri Lankan, sarees are very much welcome and will be much appreciated by us.
For Men: Please wear something light-weight and elegant. Suit and tie is recommended. Men are allowed to wear black and white. Please do not wear t-shirts, shorts, flip flops or sandals.
Places for makeup posted below:
In Lithuanian custom flowers and money are usually given to the newly-weds instead of gifts. We request that you do not bring any flowers, and you can transfer any monetory donations to the following account:
Name: Don Jayasinghe and Karolina Petrovskaja
Account Number: 79921568
Sort Code: 77-19-12
Swift Code for Lloyds Bank: LOYDGB2LXXX
Due to the global spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, state of state of national emergency Lithuania is in effect from 1 July 2021. All related restrictions and most important information regarding COVID-19 in Lithuania can be found here: Koronastop.lt
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly recommends against all unnecessary travel to Lithuania and abroad. Information on travel restrictions abroad and travel recommendations: Keliauk.urm.lt
COVID-19 Hotline in Lithuania - 1808
National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health hotline (Working hours: I–IV 8:00–17:00 hs, V 8:00–15:45 hs; weekends – 8:00–17:00 hs) : +370 5 264 9676 or info@nvsc.lt
Please check with your local consulate which visas are appropriate for this time, as it changes constantly due to the pandemic. It will be a Schengen visa, but the application standards may be different. You may need to show proof of vaccination and a negative PCR test 48 hrs before arrival to Lithuania. Please check yourself the proper requirements from your country before you RSVP or book any accomodation.
For Sri Lankans, please contact the local consulate here: https://www.lithuanianconsulate.lk/en/
A bus will be organised to pick you up from your accomodation to the Church for the wedding mass. Please book your hotel in Vilnius City Centre - Old Town (please do not book any hotels near the Vilnius train station).
We recommend the following hotels:
1. Amberton Hotel
2. Novotel Hotel
3. Congress Avenue
4. Artis
Or anywhere close to these locations.
On the day

Event Schedule

Here's some information on the plan for the day

  • Transport from Hotel to Lentvaris

    Your Hotel, Vilnius | 11.00am

    Please select an accodomation in Vilnius City Center - Old Town, and inform Shenuka where you will be staying. A bus will be allocated to pick you up at 11.00 am to take you to Lentvaris Church, where the Wedding mass will be held. If you are travelling yourself or by chance miss your allocated transport, here is the wedding mass location listed below;

  • Wedding Mass

    Church of the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, Lentvaris | 12.00pm

    The mass will be held in Latin and have readings in Polish, Lithuanian and English to accomodate all languages of the guests and the church. Not to worry, there will be booklets with translations into each language.

  • Transport from Lentvaris to Trakai

    Outside Church of the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, Lentvaris | 1.30pm

    There will be a bus waiting outside the church to take you to have lunch in Trakai. There will also be some light snacks outside the church for those attending the mass only and not attending the reception. For those who miss allocated transport or for those with personal transport the location is posted below:

  • Lunch

    Senoji kibininė, Trakai | 2.00pm

    Here you will try the famous Lithuanian 'kibinai' and poppyseed cake. You will have an hour for lunch, and then be taken to the venue via the same bus you came in. The journey will take about one hour to the reception venue, Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius.

  • Arrival at the Wedding Reception

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 4.30pm

    After the bus takes you to the venue, you will be greeted by the owners and the host of the reception. While you wait for the bride and groom to arrive to the venue from their photoshoot, there will be some apperitifs and snacks placed in the garden. There will be a video camera setup for you to leave your greetings for the newly-weds. When the newly-weds arrive at about 5.30 pm, there will be a traditional Lithuanian greeting with bread and salt. After that, the guests can line up to greet the couple and take pictures with them.

  • Dinner, First Course

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 6.00pm

    First course of dinner

  • First Dance, Entertainment and Dancing

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 6.20pm

    In Lithuania, it is customary to have a party 'host' who will lead us in some party games and group dancing

  • Dinner, Second Course

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 9.00pm

    More Food!

  • Wedding Cake

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 11.00pm

    Customary cutting of wedding cake.

  • Transport back to hotel

    Karklėnai Resort, Vilnius | 11.00pm - 04.00am

    The party will keep going until 4.00 am for those who wish to stay for that long. A few hired busses will go to the hotels for allocated groups.


You can RSVP using the form below or email us on shenukarolina@gmail.com

RSVP deadline is 31st of January 2022

Will you be there?

First and last name:


Contact Number:

How many attending guests are you filling this submission for (including yourself)?

Name(s) of guest(s) or RSVP for others invited in your group/ family:

Do you or anyone in your group have any special dietary requirements/ allergies?

Any other questions or comments?